











InFact’Fact Check

Facts are necessary for constructive debate in a democratic society. However, today’s society is filled with information and discourse that is issued without facts and evidence. If unverified information and discourse remain in circulation, unnecessary confusion, misunderstanding, prejudice, assumptions, and conflicts may spread among people. When we come into contact with information, we need to step back and ask, “Is it true? Is there evidence? What are the facts? and “What are the facts?

Fact-checking is an effort to “verify the truth” by examining whether or not the discourse being disseminated is based on facts. Its ultimate significance lies in determining the boundary between facts that we have no choice but to accept, even if our opinions and positions differ, and those that we do not. However, it is not our intention to privilege the task of demarcating the boundaries of facts. We want to reduce unnecessary misunderstandings and conflicts caused by inaccurate information, not the other way around. We provide useful evidence so that people can determine for themselves where the line between truth and falsehood lies. As a result, we want to contribute to the natural elimination and neutralization of misinformation and false information.

We aim to provide fair and trustworthy fact-checking services while maintaining our stance of “seeking the facts with an open mind. We have joined the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) in 2023. We will practice fact-checking in accordance with international standards, and we will also share our fact-checking efforts with young people, especially students.

In order to do this, we need to be independent: InFact receives basically no support from governments or political parties. InFact does not receive support from governments or political parties, as there is a risk that such support could influence editorial control. For this reason, we operate with donations from the general public.

When Covid 19 pandemic paralyzed our social activities and we were unable to continue our activities because we could not collect donations, we obtained a temporary benefit from the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency’s anti-Covid 19 program. This was an exceptional form of government funding, and a hardship for InFact to pay staff salaries and office expenses (InFact’s board members and Executive Editor are not paid). We have confirmed that no influence of any kind was exercised by the administration on InFact at this time, and that has not changed since then.

However, even though this is an extremely rare case, we should not be getting funding from the government, and we would like to make our own efforts to collect donations once and for all.

We would like to ask for your donations so that we can continue our fact check. Thank you for your understanding, cooperation, and support.



また、ファクトチェック記事の訂正を行った場合には、記事内で記事の訂正に応じた経緯・理由を明記するとともに、「お知らせ訂正記事 」のページで公表しています。


Fact Check Correction Policy

When InFact’s fact checking team receives a suggestion that a fact check article it has on its website contains a factual error, the article is corrected or amended after discussion by multiple fact checkers with editors including Executive Editor. When the article is corrected, the article clearly states how and why it was corrected, and the correction is publicly announced on the “Notices or Oshirase” page.

If you find a factual error in an InFact fact-check article, please contact us through the “Contact Us” page.


● 国際ファクトチェックネットワーク(IFCN)の原則(①非党派性・公正性、②情報源の透明性、③組織の透明性、④方法論の透明性、⑤明確で誠実な訂正)およびFIJのファクトチェック・ガイドラインにのっとって、言説・情報の真実性・正確性を検証し、その結果を発表します。
● 厳密な検証を経た「ファクトチェック記事」は[FactCheck]と表記し、そうでないものと区別します。ファクトチェック記事以外にも、情報の真偽を見極めるのに有益な情報提供、企画、実験的なコンテンツを試みます。


● ファクトチェックの対象は「社会に流布されている真偽が定かでない言説・情報」とします。特に以下の要素を考慮して、検証の対象を選択するものとします。
□ 公共の利害に関連している事柄であるか
□ 社会的関心の高い事柄であるか
□ 特定の人物・集団等の社会的評価を傷つける内容であるか
□ 公職者や公的な機関、社会的評価や地位を得た人物・組織・媒体によって、広く流布されているか
□ 社会に無用な誤解、偏見、混乱、対立など負の影響を与えるおそれがあるか
□ その言説・情報の真実性・正確性につき、検討に値する疑問が生じているか
□ 人々に特定の事実認識(誤解)を与える危険性があるか
□ その言説・情報について第三者による信頼できる検証や訂正が行われていないか
□ 単なる主張や見解の表明ではなく、検証可能な事実言明が含まれているか
□ 調査すれば一定の事実解明が期待できる事柄か


● FIJのファクトチェック・ガイドラインのレーティング基準(9種類)を採用するものとします。
● ただし、より良いレーティング基準を不断に模索し、必要に応じて独自の基準を設定することも検討します(その場合は、当サイトで公表します)。


● できるだけ根拠情報・出典は、誰でも検証可能なように具体的に明記します。
● すべて署名記事とします。調査担当者も原則として記名します。
● 運営団体の情報はできるだけ公開します。
● ファクトチェックの対象言説の選択からレーティングまで、プロセス自体をどこまで可視化できるか検討します。
● 訂正もしくは重要な加除修正については、分かりやすく明記し、必要に応じて理由など訂正に至った経緯も記すものとします。


Our fact-check articles are always checked and submitted by multiple editorial works. Below are some specifics.
Our fact-checking works are conducted by more than 10 reporters, including university students. Japanese students at overseas universities also participate in the fact-checking process.
Jun Oguro, the President, Yoichiro Tateiwa, the Executive Editor, and Tajima, the fact-checking chief-editor, Hideo Yamazaki, a member of the board of directors, and Sawako Wataru, also a board member, jointly scrutinize the fact-checked articles. After revisions are made, the articles are finally checked by Yoichiro Tateiwa, before being submitted for publication.
If you have any questions or inquiries about InFact’s fact-checking articles, please contact us by e-mail below.


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